E-mail: info@curumbico.net   imprint
Mission: Save Curumbico!
Our environment is in need of help! Your vote counts!
Curumbico ... and no end!
The buildings going on,
equal without licences! curumbico.com, here
Curumbico is not the only example for this type of action!
There is usually a system behind such construction plans!
You will find similar interesting cases here (German) or here (Spanish).
August 2005 - The madness continues!
With a slightly different construction plan, the well-known investment group from Barcelona (see below) is again planning to build houses near the beach of Curumbico. 19 apartments have now been transformed into 7 one-family houses?!

The Council of Andalusia stopped the "old" construction Project (2004) partly due to the following facts:
  1. The legal installation height had been exceeded
  2. The official construction Regulations had not been adhered to
  3. The construction purpose (one-family houses) had been disregarded
>> To be read in German and Spanish   

We, From Mission: Save Curumbico, fear that with the current construction plan (2005), the legal Regulations might again be bypassed.

It seems to us that:
  1. The new construction plan defines multiple storeys as single-storey
  2. The planned building will exceed the permitted height
  3. Adequate electricity-, water- and sewage-supplies are not avaiable
  4. It is an attempt to present multiple accomodations as one-family houses, in a hidden form
>> To be read in German and Spanish   

Of course Mission: Save Curumbico! will again exhaust all possibilities. By doing this, and together with the local media we see a good chance to stop the disproportional construction plan, and retain the environment and familial flair of Curumbico.

The fight goes on!
Vote against the planned environmental damage!
August 2004 - Thank You, we made it!
With much pressure and hundreds of votes against the planned construction project, we were able to initiate a final examination of this case. The result: There will be no construction site in Curumbico!
You can read the official documents from the Council of Andalusia in German and Spanish.
We gladly welcome that rationality and respect for nature have won at last. Due to this, again a big thank you to all the people involved in this success, primarily you the voters and directly "in the line of fire" Mrs. Rita Borchard, President of the community of Curumbico, who has chosen this fight for nature as fulltime job.
Thanks to all of you!!

Your Mission:Save Curumbico! - Team
Facts, facts, facts:
Information on the possibilty of building in Curumbico!! (spanish)
Find all important data here !!
Topic Curumbico:
Curumbico has become a topic on many spanish and other international websites. >> click for more information
Even the mayor of Almunecar is quoted here.
Curumbico is a lovely bay near Almunecar (Costa Tropical/Spain), only to be reached by a special path from the next beach called Cabria. This piece of land is surely one of the last untouched parts of the Spanish coast. Its fine black sand is known and loved in this region.
the beach of Curumbico
The construction project of an investment group from Barcelona is now threatening this paradise. On a doubtfully legal basis, it is planned to build up new apartements and garages only about 19-20m (!) away from the beach. This is in direct conflict with the local building regulation, as this terrain was marked as UNP (Urbanizable No Programado). In Spain it is forbidden to construct buildings closer than 100m to the beach.
..could look like this
A previous breach of law should presumably now be the foundation of another violation of law. One house, which has already been abandoned for 25 years, is most likely to be extended by garages; new apartements are to be built on the neighbouring premises. The former city council did not permit this construction, as this house stands too close to the beach; it has even ordered the demolition of this house. This official order has never been carried out.
..should be extended
In the meantime, the distance to the beach does not seem to be a problem anymore. The builder presumably has been granted a special allowance, to be able to build up to 20m close to the beach. This is in fact contrary to the local building regulations, but is apparently tolerated by the person in charge.
..a welcome neighbour?
The inevitable noise from construction machines and vehicles which will pass through the narrow road of Curumbico the whole day, does not only present a burden for the residents, but for the whole district Curumbico. It would be threatened by noise and pollution for a long period of time.
...soon a permanent visitor?!
What will happen if we don`t take any action:
  • the beach of Curumbico will be ruined
  • noisy convoys of construction vehicles the whole day
  • the slope, which is inhabited by lots of animals will be gone
  • the donkey (see right) would then presumably need a new home

Curumbico yesterday
Mission: Save Curumbico! wants to prevent the ruining of nature for commercial purposes.

Vote against the planned environmental damage!
Vote for Curumbico!
Mission: Save Curumbico! wants to collect votes and adresses of people who are against the new construction, in order to confront the mayor of Almunecar with them. If you want to save Curumbico, give us your vote!

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-> Download the form and send it with mail or fax.
Download: Protest-form in Word-Format       Protest-form in pdf-Format
Supported by: Rita Borchard (President of the community of Curumbico)
                    Anton Damen (Chief of water supply of Curumbico)
                    Eugen Sutorius (Professor of Law / resident Curumbico)
- - > www.curumbico.net < - -